Chandigarh Pride 2013 Snippet 8

The last snippet in the series of Chandigarh Pride 2013 is in succession of:

1. Foreword.

2. It Better Be Worth It.

3. Would You Take A Stranger Home? 

4. The Fleeting Glimpse of sweet sweet Pride.

5. Face, Friends and Souvenirs.

6. Someone’s Watching Over Me

7. I. Miss. Her.

8. Nothing but Bittersweet Experiences.


~Dear Life, Bring it On!~


One thing that pride did to me was that it gave me the confidence to be myself. I want to educate my mother about homosexuality. Regardless of what I decide to do with my life, I would want my family to accept and respect LGBT community – as allies, as equals.


Also, I am a little bit more inclined towards coming out. Perhaps already did, with walking the pride without any veils or masks. Will my mother accept me when I tell her even I am suffering from the same “disease”? Will I be able to walk out on her if she doesn’t? I have realized just how much I love her. Why do I have to make this choice? Why can’t I have both? The life that I choose to lead and the people I love. Why do they have to be mutually exclusive?


I have tried and failed incredulously, trying to find a family outside of where I was born. I am a strict supporter of blood relations – or so I believe these days. Friendships being an exception, I don’t really believe that any other bond exists. What my mother or brothers would do for me, no one else would…ever! But will they still be there once they know what I am, underneath my skin? Why do I have to be the one to cause them pain? Why do I have to be the one to disappoint them? Why do people get disappointed when they find out their family members aren’t straight? Is sexual orientation that much a powerful tool?


I don’t know what will happen in the next 3 years. All I know is amidst the chaos and conundrums revolving around the lives of bisexuals, I have had the rare moments of love, peace, and tranquility and I owe it all to the brave self of mine, who put me across Chandigarh pride. The pride of the LGBT community is bigger than me, bigger than the love, the hate, the daily quarrels. I am glad I assembled myself, remained focused and worked for something which was so much bigger than me.


So, a journey ends, leaving me enriched with memories, experiences, and quite a few friendships to look forward to.


I await another journey.


Dear Life, bring it on!

Signing off,


Alive and Kicking, Anuj.

5 thoughts on “Chandigarh Pride 2013 Snippet 8”

  1. I’m speechless. It was a beautiful narration. I love the way your inner self is your conscience keeper. Now I understand how the Pride “Walk” was not just a walk… it was the beginning of a journey…. into realizing your own true self.

  2. I always wanted to walk in a pride march but was not able to…thanks for giving me a insight..:) it was nice, I can imagine lot of things in my mind…:)
    Although I thought it would be more about the pride walk…but it was more about the emotions that it triggered in you…anyways it was nice…keep posting…:)

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